Keith McCormic – Hearthingstone Polytheist Leadership Conference Sat, 22 May 2021 15:22:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Keith McCormic – Hearthingstone 32 32 148950467 In Defense of “Cosplaygans” Sat, 22 May 2021 03:59:13 +0000 The other day, I was mentally rabbitholing the connections between Sherwood Forest Faire, EarthSpirit’s Rites of Spring, and Earth Spirit People of Texas while researching the Trolls movie franchise for work and started ruminating on my own aversion to “festival” paganism. To be fair, quite a bit of that is Read more…

The post In Defense of “Cosplaygans” appeared first on Hearthingstone.

The other day, I was mentally rabbitholing the connections between Sherwood Forest Faire, EarthSpirit’s Rites of Spring, and Earth Spirit People of Texas while researching the Trolls movie franchise for work and started ruminating on my own aversion to “festival” paganism. To be fair, quite a bit of that is my own curmudgeonliness. If I’m being honest, there’s a bit of moral weakness in conflating my form of “being serious” with being right.

Branch shushing Poppy

That way lies aristocratic nonsense.

A broader cultural expression of this lies in the term “cosplaygan” that I saw bouncing around the Internet awhile back. I’ve also seen “BS Pagans” (Beltaine-Samhain, plus allusions to the other BS). This is a callback to “C&E” Christians (Christmas & Easter).  “Ren Faire Polytheists” is another pejorative. Perhaps the most telling and important descriptor is “Lifestyle Pagans” or “Lifestyle Polytheists”.

The implication in all of these terms being that the persons involved are merely pretending- that they like the trappings of our faiths, but not the substance. To some degree, this is likely a valid criticism, both of these persons and the culture of many festivals. Many of them probably are just there for the mead, garb, dancing, sex, or whatever.

That doesn’t mean it’s okay for me (or anyone) to feel all smug and self-righteous about it.

We say “the Gods call whom They will for Their own reasons” all the time, but when faced with Lifestyle Polytheists, there’s a tendency to dismiss these people out of hand, minimizing their contributions to larger communities and the long-term plans of many Gods. Realizing my own culpability on this count, I felt it important to sit myself down and challenge these assumptions with an eye towards trying to understand what certain Gods might see in so-called cosplaygans?

I think it’s important here to draw a couple of distinctions here as well. By “Lifestyle”, I’m not referring to seekers- newcomers who might be fumbling around a bit or struggling to find a path, but who are sincerely interested in deeper connections with divinities, ancestors, and/or spirits. It’s not uncommon for seekers to find some attraction to festival culture, just as there are many longstanding, deeply religious polytheists who regularly attend such events.

I’m also not talking the sort of drunken asshat who blunders into the middle of a solemn rite to Athena wearing a plastic “viking” helmet and a speedo looking for the “bake n’ ale”. That guy’s most likely a sacrilegious dickhead and needs to be kicked out of the county. So too with evangelical atheists who infiltrate for the purposes of trying to convert us.* You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life.

The folks I am discussing are those whose interest in polytheism or paganism is pretty much skin deep. Perhaps they only attend a couple of public rituals or festivals a year and don’t really have much of a home cultus. Maybe they like to dress up in “witchy” garb and dance around a maypole, but don’t consider themselves religious. They could even really just be there for the partying or TikTok likes.

Why would the Gods call them? Have the Gods called them at all?

In the sense of a Divine Call to service, probably not. Still, there is something in our polytheisms or in “big tent” paganism that draws them. Some emptiness in their lives is better filled amongst our people than amongst other groups. After all, there are plenty of subcultures that hold similar events- sporting events are ritualistic, “burns” are quite similar to pagan festivals in many ways, there are groups holding dances and barbecues and concerts indoors and out all over the world almost any day of the year.

Why us in particular?

The only answer I can come up with is the numinous quality of religious faith, even for those who don’t consciously accept it. Even if they don’t believe in it, don’t want to commit to a regular practice, fear to acknowledge the existence of Someones far greater than themselves… Even then, there is wholeness in experiencing it on a bodily level, a preconscious level. There is health in that, a shift towards right relation in the face of a sick overculture.

I think that is the first reason lifestyle polytheists deserve acceptance and understanding- because I believe the Gods are calling these folks to Them, but by means adapted to the needs of those persons. Remember, even historically, very few people got the equivalent of a burning bush. The Gods have many ways to reach us and none is inherently more worthy than another.

As I continued to ponder this, I realized another parallel between our faiths and Fandom- it was not the hardcore fans who normalized being into “geeky” stuff. As much as there were deeply committed community servants who organized events and kept the core of fannish subcultures alive, these leaders were almost never the same folks who made it acceptible.

Instead, it was the married parents who only got to fly their geek flag a few times a year. It was lawyers, doctors, mechanics, politicians, actors, and countless other “boring” people who the “serious” fans often tried to gatekeep out of Fandom. Ultimately, it was “lifestyle” fans who moved the bar and made Star Trek or Lord of the Rings into things one could discuss in a sports bar or a high school hallway without getting beat up.

Many of our Gods are working strategies far longer than human lifespans. It makes a great deal of sense to me that at least some of Them are utilizing safety in numbers as part of those strategies.

That’s not to say They are prioritizing quantity over quality, either. To reiterate my first point, I think these Gods are calling people They want, but within the limitations of our overculture and the many ways people are damaged by it.

That brings me to another point.

If we replace “lifestyle” with “non-observant” and “Pagan” with “Jew”, very few of us would look at said person with the same self-righteous judgment. We recognize that someone who never goes to Temple but has a Passover Seder most years is still safeguarding a tradition. Sure, the rabbis and strictly observant Jews are doing a lot of the heavy lifting of preserving their culture and traditions; but, so the folks who only attend services for weddings, funerals, and bar/bat mitzvahs are contributing, too.

If we look back at historical polytheists, this was likely the case with many of them as well. Most ancient Greeks or Romans likely had little in the way of devotional relations with their Gods. Rather, they engaged in certain cultural practices without really thinking about them, attended the occasional sacrifice or festival (in part for the pageantry, food, and drink), and probably only tried to reach out to the Gods through a priest or folk magic when they needed something.

We see this pattern reflected in many ancient cultures and also in modern, unbroken traditions like Shinto or Hinduism. I remember reading an article some years back by a Shinto priest in which he mentioned that many Japanese people who consider themselves non-religious still tend a kamidana in their homes and call on priests for various life events, even things as seemingly mundane to us as buying a car.

His point was that Shinto was a cultural force. These aspects of their religion were nearly invisible to the people within that tradition because the activities were so normal and familiar. As with the rabbi, the Shinto shrine kannushi and miko are doing the heavy lifting, but it is the “lifestyle” Shinto practitioners who keep the traditions relevant and alive in the broader world.

I am not going to talk about religious beliefs but about matters so obvious that it has gone out of style to mention them… Decency is not news. It is buried in the obituaries, but it is a force stronger than crime.” – Robert A. Heinlein, This I Believe

I read, time and again, complaints by various polytheist and pagan clergy about the lack of devotion in our communities. When such charges are levied against those who claim to be clergy or following some other Divine Calling, they should be taken seriously. So too in the case of “High Priestess Instagramma of the Fairy Fortress Witches” or “Lord Alastair MoonTumblr”.

Those in positions of religious or quasi-religious (magical) responsibility should definitely be doing their darnedest to practice what they preach.

But they were never the bulk of those who practiced and sustained historical polytheist traditions. I see no reason that would have suddenly changed, especially given the challenges of our simultaneously monotheistic and atheistic overculture.

Rather, and I promise I’m getting to the crux of my third point, I believe the Gods understand humanity better than we understand ourselves, especially as a collective species.

I think They know that things like temples, villages, large offerings, and mass public rituals are completely unsustainable by the relatively small body of clergy available to any faith. These things are only possible when large bodies of people do them, not just once or twice, but so regularly that not doing them becomes unthinkable.

“Cancel Christmas?! We can’t do that!”

Yet it is the C&E Christians and the lifestyle Christmas celebrators who make it so. There is no Natural law forcing us to celebrate it. If only the priests and the deeply devoted Christians kept that holiday, it would rapidly fade from popular consciousness.

This, I believe, is the third, and most powerful reason the Gods are calling lifestyle polytheists- without them, no tradition remains viable. It crumbles for lack of vitality.

While theologians, trained clergy, and other religious experts are still extremely important for maintaining the core integrity of any tradition, our communities and faiths need a certain popular tension to keep them relevant. It is literally the job of priests and the like to pull people toward the Gods. It is also the natural role of the least faithful in any tradition to pull back, citing mundane concerns and doubts.

On the surface, it might seem like lifestyle polytheists are necessarily moving further from the Gods, yet they do not act as a bloc. Many of them will remain within the Gods’ space. By this tension, the space between the core of the tradition and its loosest hangers-on stretches. If our clergy and most faithful remain steadfast in their devotion, they shift the Overton Window towards the Gods and a more viable tradition over time.

As this happens, many of those who were once barely devotional now find themselves closer to the faithful simply because their rote praxis is suddenly further from the outskirts. It is likely too that some of those whose devotion was only skin deep will feel the attraction of this deeper, broader pool and desire to come closer to the Gods.

In this process, I think it is important for us to bear in mind the possibility that some of our Gods expressly called these “cosplaygans” into polytheist and pagan communities for this (or some other) important purpose. By this, I mean that they, as with all of the faithful, are intended as co-creators of the new and reborn traditions the Gods want built.

Obviously, it is important that clergy and other polytheist leaders maintain the sanctity and integrity of their traditions and humanity’s relations with the Gods. At the same time, we (and especially I ) shouldn’t be so quick to dismiss the folks who are just here for the food.

-In Deos Confidimus

* I added this note about evangelical atheist infiltrators after a discussion with Marcus Herminius early this morning. However, I feel a strong need to include the caveat that some people who present as atheists may actually be seekers whose heart led them to our traditions to heal, but whose head is still poisoned by the Overculture. Such cases make a powerful case for the need for communities that are spiritually deeper than public rituals but less intense than many initiatory paths- a “Sunday school” equivalent, if you will.

The post In Defense of “Cosplaygans” appeared first on Hearthingstone.

AVOCADO Village Checklist Tue, 05 Jan 2021 05:33:29 +0000 This article is an attempt to identify as complete a checklist as possible of needs, wants, and aspirational goals for establishing a sustainable intergenerational village, neighborhood, or other residential community. This article is expected to be updated as omissions or improvements are discovered. As it grows, it might be broken Read more…

The post AVOCADO Village Checklist appeared first on Hearthingstone.

This article is an attempt to identify as complete a checklist as possible of needs, wants, and aspirational goals for establishing a sustainable intergenerational village, neighborhood, or other residential community. This article is expected to be updated as omissions or improvements are discovered. As it grows, it might be broken into multiple articles.


This section comprises factors without which the “village” cannot survive. While many of us would like the self-sufficiency of providing these entirely from within our communities, that is not always possible. Sourcing these needs from municipal governments or unaffiliated businesses is a valid solution. Needs are considered “checked off” (satisfied) if they are reliably accessed by all of the village’s residents. Bullet points in bold are critical, make-or-break needs. Those in normal text are important sub-needs. Entries in italics are notes for discussion rather than needs in and of themselves.

  • Shelter
    • Land sufficient for the housing
    • Appropriate permits, etc.
    • Skill – Free carpentry / joinery
    • Skill – Free masonry
    • Tools
    • Equipment
    • Materials and supplies
    • Roof to keep off precipitation and sun
      • Skill – Roofing
      • Equipment – Tools, ladders, etc.
      • Roofing materials and supplies
    • Warmth in winter
      • Skill – HVAC
      • Skill – Fireplace / chimney masonry
        • Skill – Fireplace / woodstove operation
      • Equipment – Heater, woodstove, etc.
      • Tools
      • Heating materials and supplies
      • Energy source
        • How do members of your community power their heating?
          • Biomass – Wood, etc.
          • Fossil fuels – Gas, oil, coal, etc.
          • Alternative energy
    • Cooling in summer
      • Skill – HVAC
      • Skill – Electrician
      • Equipment – Fans, air conditioners, etc.
      • Tools
      • Heating materials and supplies
      • Energy source
        • How do members of your community power their cooling?
          • Biomass – Wood, etc.
          • Fossil fuels – Gas, oil, coal, etc.
          • Alternative energy
    • Security from violence, predators, pests, and theft
    • Sleeping facilities
  • Water
    • Potable, clean drinking water
    • Irrigation water for crops, etc.
    • Skill – Plumbing
    • Equipment – Tools, pumps, filters, etc.
    • Pipes and fittings
    • Appropriate storage facilities
  • Sanitation
    • Toilet facilities
    • Grooming facilities
    • Bathing facilities
    • Wastewater treatment
      • Sewage quarantining and processing
        • What is your solution?
          • Central sewage processing
            • Skill – Responsible toilet use
          • Septic systems (on-site)
            • Skill – Responsible septic system use
          • Alternative toilets (on-site)
            • Skill – Proper use
      • Greywater processing
        • Are you using greywater for irrigation? If so, how are you educating people about their responsibilities to this system?
    • Pest control
    • Waste disposal
      • Organic waste quarantining and processing
        • Are you composting organic waste? If so, how are you educating people about their responsibilities to this system?
      • Recyclables separation and processing
        • Are you recycling? If so, how are you educating people about their responsibilities to this system?
      • Other waste separation and landfilling
        • Are you doing anything to minimize landfilling? If so, how are you educating people about their responsibilities to this system?
  • Food
    • Cooking facilities
      • Equipment
      • Skill – Cooking / Baking
      • Skill – Food safety
    • Food storage facilities
      • See below for variants
      • Skill – Food storage (See below for variants)
      • Skill – Food safety
    • Proteins
      • How do members of your community access complete proteins?
        • Animal meat
          • How are you sourcing it? 
            • Agriculture
              • Skill – Animal husbandry
              • Ranchland sufficient for sustainably grazing herds
              • Equipment
              • Disease control
              • Pest control
              • Winter fodder for herds
              • Water for herds
            • Hunting
              • Skill – Hunting / Trapping
              • Equipment
              • Rangeland sufficient for sustainably supporting wildlife
          • Slaughtering
            • Appropriate facility
            • Equipment
            • Skill – Carcass dressing
          • Butchering
            • Sanitary facility
            • Equipment
            • Skill – Butchering
            • Storage
              • Cold storage
              • Drying/salting/smoking and dry storage
                • Skill – Meat curing / charcuterie
              • Canning and dry storage
                • Skill – Canning
        • Plant sources
          • Farmland sufficient to sustainably grow appropriate crops
          • Seed supplier
          • Skill – Farming / Gardening
          • Irrigation water
          • Planting equipment
          • Weed control
          • Pest control
          • Harvesting equipment
          • Processing equipment
          • Processing facilities
          • Appropriate storage
          • Skill – Plant protein processing
    • Fats
      • How do members of your community access needed fatty acids?
        • Animal meat
          • How are you sourcing it? 
            • Agriculture
              • Skill – Animal husbandry
              • Ranchland sufficient for sustainably grazing herds
              • Equipment
              • Disease control
              • Pest control
              • Winter fodder for herds
              • Water for herds
            • Hunting (Many wild animals are not good sources of fat.)
              • Skill – Hunting / Trapping
              • Equipment
              • Rangeland sufficient for sustainably supporting wildlife
          • Slaughtering
            • Appropriate facility
            • Equipment
            • Skill – Carcass dressing
          • Butchering
            • Sanitary facility
            • Equipment
            • Skill – Fat rendering
            • Cold storage or canning and dry storage
        • Animal dairy
          • Skill – Animal husbandry
          • Ranchland sufficient for sustainably grazing herds
          • Equipment
          • Disease control
          • Pest control
          • Winter fodder for herds
          • Water for herds
          • Sanitary dairy facility
          • Equipment
          • Skill – Milking
          • Skill – Butter making
          • Skill – Cheesemaking
          • Cold storage or canning and dry storage
        • Plant sources
          • Farmland sufficient to sustainably grow appropriate crops
          • Seed supplier
          • Skill – Farming / Gardening
          • Irrigation water
          • Planting equipment
          • Weed control
          • Pest control
          • Harvesting equipment
          • Processing equipment
          • Processing facilities
          • Appropriate oil storage
          • Skill – Oil extraction
    • Carbohydrates
      • How do members of your community access the majority of their caloric needs?
        • Gathering
          • Skill – Foraging
            • Rangeland sufficient for sustainably supporting plant diversity
          • Equipment
        • Agriculture
          • Farmland sufficient to sustainably grow appropriate crops
          • Seed supplier
          • Skill – Farming / Gardening
          • Irrigation water
          • Planting equipment
          • Weed control
          • Pest control
          • Harvesting equipment
      • Processing equipment
      • Processing facilities
      • Appropriate storage
        • Skill – Staple food storage
    • Micronutrients
      • How do members of your community access needed micronutrients, such as from fruits and vegetables?
        • Gathering
          • Skill – Foraging
            • Rangeland sufficient for sustainably supporting plant diversity
        • Agriculture
          • Farmland sufficient to sustainably grow appropriate crops
          • Seed supplier
          • Skill – Farming / Gardening
          • Irrigation water
          • Planting equipment
          • Weed control
          • Pest control
          • Harvesting equipment
      • Processing equipment
      • Processing facilities
      • Appropriate storage
        • Skill – Plant drying
        • Skill – Canning
  • Clothing
    • How do your residents clothe themselves?
    • Appropriate equipment
    • Appropriate sourcing
    • Skill – Plant fiber processing
    • Skill – Wool carding and spinning
    • Skill – Weaving
    • Skill – Knitting / crochet
    • Skill – Women’s clothing construction
    • Skill – Men’s clothing construction
    • Skill – Straw plaiting
    • Skill – Feltmaking
    • Skill – Hattery
    • Skill – Leather tanning
    • Skill – Leatherworking
    • Skill – Shoemaking
  • Medicine
    • How do your residents access healing?
    • Skill – Allopathic (modern Western) medicine
    • Skill – Traditional Chinese medicine
    • Skill – Ayurvedic medicine
    • Skill – Herbal medicine, Western
  • Transportation
    • Transport infrastructure
    • Transport methods
    • Is your village walkable? How can you improve/protect that?
  • Power
    • How do residents access the energy needed to do their work, run their housing, etc.?
    • How do they see at night or in the absence of natural light?
  • Communications
    • How do residents communicate with each other?
    • How do residents communicate with people outside the village?
    • Is telecommuting important to the jobs of your residents?
    • How vital is Internet access and at what speeds?
  • New Members
    • How does your community replace residents who leave, die, etc?
      • Recruitment
      • Children
  • Finance
    • What role does money play in your village’s internal economy?
    • How does your village raise enough money to pay for things that it cannot provide for within the village?
    • How does your village pay for taxes on community assets?
    • How do your residents raise enough money to buy things they cannot provide for themselves or barter for within the village?
    • How do your residents pay their taxes?
    • Skill – Accounting
  • Security
    • How will your village protect itself from criminals, etc.?


This section comprises factors that improve the quality of life in the village. While many of us would like the self-sufficiency of providing these entirely from within our communities, that is not always possible. Sourcing these needs from unaffiliated groups is a valid solution. Wants are considered “checked off” (satisfied) if they can be reasonably accessed by the village’s residents. “Reasonable” access will of course vary based on the specifics. Bullet points in bold are categories. Those in normal text are sub-wants. Entries in italics are notes for discussion rather than wants in and of themselves.

  • Home furnishings
    • Furniture
      • Skill – Finish carpentry / cabinetmaking
      • Skill – Upholstery
    • Pottery
      • Skill – Pottery
    • Cutlery
      • Skill – Knifemaking
      • Skill – Finesmithing
    • Glassware
      • Skill – Glassmaking
      • Skill – Glassblowing
  • Health and beauty aids
    • Soaps / cleaning supplies
      • Skill – Soapmaking
      • Skill – Broom making
      • Skill – Brush making
    • Beauty supplies
      • Skill – Cosmetics making
      • Skill – Perfumery
  • Paper goods
    • Skill – Papermaking
  • Books
    • Skill – Librarian
    • Skill – Bookbinding
  • Metal goods
    • Skill – Smelting / metal recycling
    • Skill – Blacksmithing
    • Skill – Redsmithing
    • Skill – Tinsmithing
    • Skill – Metal fabrication (modern Western)

The post AVOCADO Village Checklist appeared first on Hearthingstone.

What Polytheists Can Learn From Fandom Mon, 02 Dec 2019 07:01:19 +0000 Next weekend, SMOFCon 37 will take place in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Most likely, you have no idea what that means or what it has to do with the future health of polytheism. In truth, SMOFCon doesn’t directly affect our traditions at all, but it provides a starting point for me Read more…

The post What Polytheists Can Learn From Fandom appeared first on Hearthingstone.

Next weekend, SMOFCon 37 will take place in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Most likely, you have no idea what that means or what it has to do with the future health of polytheism. In truth, SMOFCon doesn’t directly affect our traditions at all, but it provides a starting point for me to articulate a vision that I’ve struggled to put into words.

tl;dr: A lot of the problems our polytheisms and the larger “paganoverse” are analogous to issues that fans of genre fiction fought through over the course of the 20th Century. We don’t necessarily need to reinvent the wheel as far as our practical organizing goes. Also, read the damn article.

Note: My account of certain events referenced in this article are my understanding of how they occurred. In many cases, I learned about them secondhand. I don’t intend this as a historical document- instead, I include these events for the sake of the “scar tissue” wisdom they produced. The goal here is to learn from others’ challenges, not to perpetuate the bad blood of a bygone age.

Crowds at San Diego Comic-Con, 2011

Photo by PopCultureGeek, CC 2.0 BY

Fandom” generally refers to the broader subculture of persons who are fans of genre fiction such as sci-fi, fantasy, mysteries, and the various manifestations of those- books, film, television, games, and so on. With a capital “F”, it connotes a large and diverse array of sub-subcultures in much the way that many people use “Paganism” to discuss what is a hugely complex, diverse, and muddled set of different religions and spiritual practices. Modern Fandom dates back at least to the late 19th Century and has its roots in older literary appreciation societies. How the outcasts of Victorian intellectual circles wound up creating one of the dominant cultural forces of the 21st Century is worth studying.

I certainly don’t want to give the impression that Fandom is perfect. Issues such as racism, sexual predation, and sexism still persist, though they are increasingly being addressed by leaders and fans alike. Rather, my focus in this article is on it as a cultural force- more specifically how making experience accessible across divisions and to younger generations made today’s Fandom possible.

By that, I mean that most Americans no longer feel they have to hide their interest in genre fandoms. The top grossing films in recent history are all genre films. Walking down the street carrying a comic book or Dungeons & Dragons manual is no longer likely to elicit character assassination- or even violence. For fans of a certain age, characters like Magneto and Mr. Glass make sympathetic antagonists because of their crusades against erasure. Many of the problems and bad blood that still plague Fandom today stems from the incomplete healing of that trauma.

But for the average fan today, that’s ancient history. Which is where I want the persecution of polytheists to go as soon as possible. If you’d clicked the “Dungeons & Dragons” link above, you’d have seen how related this really is.

A flowchart describing fandoms' relative status

A humorous attempt at a fannish pecking order. Image by Lore Sjöberg

Until sometime in the 2000s, Fandom was pretty heavily balkanized. Those divisions still exist today, but they are much more transparent and easily-crossed than in previous decades. Part of this is obviously the Internet and how many of its creators were part of Fandom. Part of this is how big businesses recognized a marketable niche and ran with it. To my mind, the biggest part is the stuff nobody sees.

The acronym “SMOF” stands for “Secret Masters Of Fandom”, a tongue-in-cheek nickname for the people who make conventions and other events happen. While the name conjures images of a secret cabal, in truth they are only secret by obscurity. Most people don’t want to know how the sausage is made and so most people don’t see the folks behind the curtain. Many conventions now have a “Fan Guest of Honor” specifically to recognize persons for their work in serving and promoting the community.

The best organized and longest lasting groups of SMOFs tend to be involved in literary fandom (small “f”), specifically organizations in the orbit of the World Science Fiction Convention, better known as “Worldcon”. Worldcon today is a truly international event. Running one is a bit like a microcosm of the Olympics. Organizing committees prepare bids to run a Worldcon years in advance and must convince thousands of other Worldcon members to support their bid in order to be authorized to hold one.

The logistics are truly staggering. I’m not going to go into them, but anyone who’s worked on a pagan festival or renaissance faire probably has some idea. The insurance requirements alone are breathtaking, as are the costs in blood (well, usually sweat) and treasure.

Yet Worldcon is not the largest event in Fandom, not by a long shot. The largest Worldcon had about 8,300 attendees and most of the recent ones fell in the range of 4,000 to 6,000. That is less than a tenth the size of Dragon Con in Atlanta, less than 1/20 the size of San Diego Comic-Con, and a little under 2% the attendance of Gamescom in Koln, Germany.

The latter two are vastly more important economically. Quite literally billions of dollars can hinge on how a family of genre products (a “franchise”) performs at those events.

Culturally though, Worldcon and its myriad network of smaller, related conventions exert a massive amount of influence- one that is as transparent as gravity to many fans. Worldcon awards the Hugos, Fandom’s prestige-equivalent of the Academy Awards. Even more importantly, because Worldcon-bidding committees have to show off their experience in organizing conventions, there are hundreds of local and regional conventions that run in a similar fashion.

Not everyone can get to Worldcon, or San Diego Comic-Con, or the others. Yet millions of people live within a short car ride of a convention built on the same model as one of these two. Even more millions live near a convention that is not Worldcon-related, but still incorporates some of the culture that grows out of Worldcon.

Here, I feel like I need to pause and point out that Worldcon is a literary fandom event, Comic-Cons are multi-fandom media events, Dragon Con is a hybrid cross-fandom event, GenCon is a tabletop gaming fandom event, and Gamescom is video gaming fandom event. Remember how I said that Fandom still has divisions? While there is considerably less bad blood these days, each of these still has their own way of doing things- their own traditions.

If one attends a local hobby gaming convention, its culture will more likely reflect GenCon and to a lesser extent Gamescom. The same for, Star Trek, anime, or comic book conventions and San Diego Comic-Con. But the subtle influence of Worldcon is probably there, behind the scenes. For example, Ken Krueger, one of the founders of San Diego Comic-Con attended the very first Worldcon in 1939 and went on to become a publisher of genre literature before moving to San Diego. Another of the founders, Greg Bear, went on to become a Hugo Award-winning author with a long pedigree in literary fandom events.

That’s not to say that Worldcon or its SMOFs came up with all the good ideas. Indeed, the first was full of needless drama and some of today’s culture wars still get fought there. Rather, they became aggregators of best practices. Elements within the “Worldconosphere” kept reaching out to other fandoms and some members of those other fandoms were also reaching out to literary fandom. Some folks already crossed those boundaries, so they made natural go-betweens.

This was not at all without problems. All of the fandoms within Fandom had their past and present traumas- working across these subcultures was deeply straining. It often required different perspectives, different ways of thinking, even totally different vocabulary. Sometimes that led to schisms and divisiveness.

In 1987, a fairly large convention called Boskone was the dominant multi-fandom convention in the Boston area. Originally founded as a literary conference in the style of Worldcon, some of the organizers felt that other fandoms were taking too much of the energy and focus away from the event’s original purpose. In the “St. Valentine’s Day Massacre” (Boskone is held mid-February), the 1988 convention was deliberately moved about 100 miles away to a smaller venue.

In reaction, other “fen” (plural for “fan” in literary fandom) founded a competing convention to continue the earlier trajectory of Boskone. They named this new event Arisia after the protagonists who fight against Boskone in the Lensman series, an influential set of “Golden Age” science fiction novels.

While both conventions had ties with the New England Science Fiction Association, for a time there was serious animosity between some of the organizers of the two events. When I first started dealing with Arisia in the late 1990s, that wound was still fresh in some folks’ minds. I got to hear quite a few stories.

By the time I first attended Boskone a few years later, the relationships were beginning to mend. I also got to hear some alternate perspectives on what had happened and why.

Okay, what the hell does any of this have to do with SMOFCon?

I’m getting to that, though I need to give a little bit of personal exposition first.

In the early 1990s, I became a leader of gamers- gaming fans. Explicitly tabletop fans, though most of us played a few video games, too.

My first foray into fandom leadership came when I convinced the Excalibur science fiction club at Hampshire College to go in with me and some friends to run a gaming convention- Convocation. In large part because of my own teenage ego, that relationship did not survive the convention.

I ran a gaming convention (later renamed OurCon) at UMass the following year whilst Excalibur ran 5-Con, a mixed-genre convention- does this split sound familiar? Thankfully, with help from some of the people who still went between clubs, that rift healed over time. I worked on some of the 5-Cons a few years later. Heck, I married one of the later 5-Con chairs!

Part of the reason that first Convocation caused such bad blood was rooted in the sort of trauma I mentioned earlier- the perceived need to fight against erasure. In the pre-Internet days, finding other gamers was hard (and potentially risky), so I created an impressive-sounding organization with some friends, the primary purpose of which was connecting gamers. That was the organization I ostensibly represented when approaching Excalibur.

The vision for Convocation was great. The execution, not so much. I accept full responsibility for creating that bad blood.

A flyer for OurCon 17

Yet, Convocation spawned both OurCon (later ConQuest) and 5-Con (later ConBust). At UMass, that convention ran for 22 years straight. ConBust is still going on at Smith College nearly 30 years later.

Once I started working on 5-Con and NJAC (another event in the area), it forced me out of my “home” fandom. Instead of dealing solely with the internal problems and grudges of gaming fandom, I had to organize gamers in entirely new ways to deal with the needs of mixed-genre Fandom with a strong basis in Worldcon culture. I started to learn to speak Worldconese.

I discovered the Gripe Session, which is sometimes called a “Dead Dog“- though that is more often an afterparty. Gripe sessions or feedback panels are a bit like “360 degree feedback” for the convention staff in that the chair and department heads have to stand in front of the membership and listen to what they have to say. When run well, the convention chair and team get a strong mix of encouragement and constructive criticism. Obviously, they can be run badly, but it’s proved to be an extremely useful device both for improving operations and staunching bad blood before it festers.

In my experience, gaming conventions didn’t generally do this sort of thing back then. I soon incorporated it into OurCon’s closing ceremonies. In researching this article, I also found out that San Diego Comic-Con has had a feedback panel for some time.

Then, as part of my work with these other conventions, I attended SMOFCon 15 in Boston.

It was revelatory. These people took to their activities with professionalism. They were still goofy, nerdy, fun people, but they knew when and how to get down to business.

They approached their hobby, or rather their lifestyle, with the seriousness it required- when seriousness was required.

Not that I wasn’t serious, but I was used to being one a few people trying hard to learn how to herd cats in near isolation. Now I was in a hotel full of them! Even more strangely, these experienced people wanted to learn from young people as well as sharing their own knowledge and experience.

Imagine what it means for a young person trying to do good work to be welcomed into a space filled with tons of experienced cat-herders who also happen to be functioning adults!

THIS is the vision I’m trying to convey.

I have Imposter Syndrome the same as many of you. But I’ve come to realize how vitally important it is to the future of any subculture that new and potential leaders be able to enter a welcoming space filled with elders who genuinely want their culture to survive- not just their narrow version of it, but the larger environment that supports it. Fandom did it, indigenous American nations did it, and so should we.

Yes, “Big Tent Paganism” has frequently been pretty anti-polytheist, stressing homogeneity over diversity. I do not advocate for erasure, which is what that was. I’m not aiming for a big tent. I’m aiming for an unassailable horde of allied “campgrounds”.

My goal is the survival and success of our diverse traditions.

If history has taught us anything, it’s that cultures that want to survive erasure require allies. It requires a network.

There’s been a lot of discussion about how the Jewish people survived thousands of years of attempted erasure. Some of that was textual orthodoxy, sure. Some of that was also their ability to adapt to new places by forming new Jewish subcultures. A huge part of it was the network of Jewish enclaves all over the known world that often made it possible to relocate if repression got too bad in one area.

That resilience is something we need to cultivate.

I believe we can best cultivate that in two ways- a network of welcoming, local polytheist leadership groups and a convention that brings some of the members of those groups together on a regular basis.

I’ll start with the latter:

Take a look at this year’s SMOFCon schedule. By changing just a word or two, how many of those topics would be relevant to organizing polytheistic groups or events? “Honoring the Past / Respecting the Present”? How about “Who Wants the Con Ritual / Who is it For”?

Based on the effectiveness of SMOFCon (and Worldcon), as well as the success of the 2014 PLC and the recent shutdown of its controversial successor, I thought it made sense for me to put my efforts into organizing another conference. SMOFCon is a conference and a Polytheist Leadership Conference was, and still is, a reasonable analog.

Such a conference also would be useful for strengthening the connections we’ve made with other polytheists online and for knitting the network together in much the way that SMOFCon unites the various local Worldcon organizing committees.

Unfortunately, my personal finances put bankrolling even a small event out of reach at this time. Why front the money myself? On Convocation, I asked Excalibur to assume the risk- I didn’t want to pass the buck this time.

Austin Metro-Area Polytheist Leadership Exchange

Thus, my current focus is on starting a MAPLE (Metro-Area Polytheist Leadership Exchange) here in Austin and using it to create a template for other communities to use. My goal has been to create a space for the SMOFCon style of bidirectional learning, but closer to home.

I’m trying to bring together “the people who do the work” (or want to) from as wide a range of local polytheisms as possible. It’s always rough in the beginning and one of the struggles has been explaining what I’m trying to build and why people who are already very busy should care.

What I’m trying to build is an environment that ensures their legacy survives- that their hard work for the Gods isn’t undone and lost in a year, or a generation.

Just last week we learned of the sudden death of a Santero who’d been doing important work both in decolonizing traditional knowledge and in building ties between his tradition and others. Only time will tell how much of that work survives and continues, but if it does, it will be because of the networks he built.

In trying to organize both the Hearthingstone conference and Austin MAPLE, I’ve struggled to articulate my vision.

I hope this helps.

-In Deos Confidimus


The post What Polytheists Can Learn From Fandom appeared first on Hearthingstone.

Villages: Grading Proximity Wed, 31 Jul 2019 05:11:01 +0000 In thinking about the goal of bringing polytheist communities closer together, I thought it might be helpful to start discussing ways of assessing our existing communities and the potential changes we might encourage each other to make. Having quantifiable criteria can not only help us identify opportunities for improvement, but Read more…

The post Villages: Grading Proximity appeared first on Hearthingstone.

In thinking about the goal of bringing polytheist communities closer together, I thought it might be helpful to start discussing ways of assessing our existing communities and the potential changes we might encourage each other to make. Having quantifiable criteria can not only help us identify opportunities for improvement, but also help us recognize how much progress our traditions and communities have already made.

It also allows us to weigh the costs and benefits of future changes. For instance, Choice A might improve one category by two full grades, but Choice B could improve three categories each by about one grade. This is still a judgment call for the group, but having a measuring stick sometimes makes it easier to discuss something that is otherwise nebulous and ephemeral.

I don’t want to suggest that this is the only way of assessing our communities as villages. Rather, this is my attempt to lay out an example of a system in order to begin the discussion of what criteria we should be focused on and how to assess them.

I’m using a modified U.S. grading scale with a “neighborhood” style proximity being the assumed “optimal” distance between members. This obviously isn’t the ideal for all communities, but it provides a shared starting point for discussion.

For this article, I’m discussing the single criterion of proximity- the typical distance that separates members of the community. I’ve included some virtual values as well- these provide the ability to compare communities of various types.

Finally, I’d like to note that every one of us is a potential member of a dazzling array of possible communities. So my proximity to the polytheist leaders that Hearthingstone PLC is supposed to serve is an “F”; but, were I looking to join an Asatru fellowship, there’s one within “C” distance. On the other hand, were I a solitary devotee of indigenous Thai divinities, my community proximity would rate as “Z” or maybe “S” because I’m sure said faith exists elsewhere, but I have no idea how to find any practitioners.

A map of travel times around Melbourne, Australia in the early 20th Century.


Z – No Contact

This is the unfortunate reality of many polytheists. They don’t know any other polytheists personally, so they have no idea how near or far they are from anyone in their faith.

S – Some Online Contact

These polytheists are “ships in the night” online. They know that there are other members of their faith (or at least compatible polytheists worldviews) out there on the Internet, but they don’t know who they are and/or do not have regular discussions with them.

P – Passing Local Awareness

These polytheists have seen evidence that other members of their faith (or at least compatible polytheists worldviews) are occasionally present in their physical vicinity, but they have no means of contacting or locating those others.

O – Regular Online Contact

These polytheists communicate regularly with others of their faith (or at least compatible polytheists worldviews) via online tools. This could be social media, blogs, forums, or any other relatively stable system.

Importantly, most members of this community recognize at least some of the more regular members and have some method to reach out to them with questions or to request assistance. Therefore, this is the least proximal community that we would likely recognize as a “community”.

F – Far, Far Apart

The members of this community likely have regular online contact (“O”, above). However, many of them have met in person and many look for opportunities to meet other members in the future. It is likely that at least some members of the group also contact each other using “old school” means- postal mail, home visits, meals together when in-town, etc.

D – Day Trip

Visiting other members of this community requires committing most of a day. This means a drive longer than three hours each way. The actual distance this encompasses differs based on the area we’re talking about.

For example, I live in the Austin, Texas metro area, which is about 230 miles from Denton, TX. If I wanted to participate in a ritual with John Beckett at the Denton CUUPS, that’s a three-and-a-half hour trip under ideal circumstances. From experience, I know that driving to the northside of the Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) metroplex is likely to take an hour or so longer than that.

On the other hand, on certain days/times, it could take almost that long to get from Plymouth, Massachusetts to Salem, MA- a distance of only about 50 miles.

C – Commutable

Most of the members of this community can reach each other in under an hour by car. Most will be closer, though some members might be further afield.

For example, a particular “pagan” social group in my area draws people from as far away as Lampassas, Killeen, and New Braunfels- each about an hour’s drive under ideal circumstances at highway speeds.

We could conceivably consider “C+” and “C-” grades for under half an hour and between one and two hours, respectively.

B – Bikable / Busable

At a “B” rating, most members can get together within a short bike or bus ride. If the members live along really good mass transit, this might be up to five or ten miles. However, in many areas this means no more than two or three miles – about fifteen minutes for a slow bicyclist or roughly an hour on foot.

We might consider “B+” and “B-” grades here as well.

“B+” would suggest distances under a mile (or very close to short transit rides), but still fairly spread out. For example, a community in a transit-heavy city like Boston might have a B+ proximity if its members all live within a “quick and easy” walk of a subway station, even though they dwell in different parts of the city.

“B-” means that cars are still pretty important to meet other members of the community. One could conceivably do it by bicycle or bus, but the effort and/or time involved would be discouraging to most. Here in Austin, there is a UU church that some local groups hold meetings at. It’s near a couple of bus lines, but our mass transit is pretty poor compared with a city like Boston or New York.

A – Adjacent

A community with an “A” proximity grade lives within easy walking distance of each other. There might be other members further afield, but the majority can conveniently stroll to the group’s central meeting place or to homes of other members should the need arise. In general, this probably means no more than a few hundred yards apart, though depending on the specific needs of the members, this might need to be much closer.

An “A+” grade would mean that not only are most members within easy walking distance of each other, but that other important services are located within the same radius- groceries, banking, etc.

An “A-” grade could be considered a community whose members could walk, but are still far enough apart that cars, bikes, or mass transit are still preferred. This would probably mean distances between a quarter-mile and half a mile, certainly under a kilometer. In the case of a community with a lot of special physical needs, even an “A+” might instead be an “A-” if services and other members are hard to reach for reasons other than distance.


This is a preliminary stab at a method of grading the proximity of members in a polytheist community versus an idealized “village”. There are entire fields of study devoted to these kinds of questions for municipalities and regions- my brother works on city planning in California, for instance. There are all sorts of advanced tools available, but they’re probably too detailed for our needs. My hope is that we can arrive at a general system of guidelines that are granular enough to aid planning and assessment while being readily adaptable to the needs of a given community as it moves towards becoming a polytheist village.

-In Deos Confidimus

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A Year & Then Some Mon, 29 Jul 2019 01:13:41 +0000 Today is one year and thirteen days from the first blog post on this site. At the time, I was fairly reliably employed and looking forward to enough of a bonus at project completion to provide a little seed funding for a small conference in addition to other financial needs. Read more…

The post A Year & Then Some appeared first on Hearthingstone.

Today is one year and thirteen days from the first blog post on this site. At the time, I was fairly reliably employed and looking forward to enough of a bonus at project completion to provide a little seed funding for a small conference in addition to other financial needs.

Since then, that job (and my finances) imploded. I have since regained some employment stability, but the fiscal damage is far from healed. I’m working a second part-time job and keeping my eyes peeled for a better one in order to pay down debts from the layoff.

First, the bad news:

Barring a substantial monetary windfall, I can’t afford even the bare minimum deposits and operating expenses for a tiny, hotel-based conference.

Running a really kickass (but tiny) conference, with a sponsored keynote speaker (airfare, hotel, & meals), a hospitality suite, advertising, and so on could easily have run $5,000 or more. Even without those, the room costs and taxes would’ve been about $1,500 (for up to 75 people), plus another $500 or so for things like programs, badges, and other unexpected incidentals. That’s around $2,000, mostly upfront- even if admission fees could cover it on the backend.

Second, some good news:

If I dump the entire idea of attracting people from around the country/world and move to a small venue that isn’t a hotel, I can probably reduce the upfront costs significantly.

Third, some ambivalent news:

Cutting back to a purely local conference also means a reduction in content and chances to meet new and interesting people from far away. This decreases the perceived value of the conference, which means that any admission fee would have to be much smaller. That would limit the ability to carry funds forward to the next year.

That said, I am still investigating this possibility in the hopes of doing something in early 2020 with the goal of building on that towards a proper conference the following year.

Fourth, for something completely different:

Hearthingstone was first and foremost about creating professional development opportunities for polytheist leaders to help them improve their skills for serving The Gods, their communities, and their traditions.

Increasingly over the last year, the fractious and scattered state of our polytheistic communities has been a topic of discussion amongst said leaders. There is a swelling impulse to draw the faithful closer together. As I wrote last fall:

From a practical standpoint… it’s much easier to start a successful business, become a “mover-and-shaker”, find a date, or even just a decent job if the people around you know you and have common cause with you. It’s also easier to build a temple.

To that end, I am adding a “Polytheist Villages Network” page to this site and also a discussion group on Facebook. I’m not entirely sure what this will evolve to be, but my goal is to help foster intentional communities for polytheists in the form of neighborhoods or similar forms of geographic proximity and common cause.

As there are any number of important considerations regarding where people live and why, I think this will be an interesting topic for some polytheist leaders, especially those directly involved in serving groups of the faithful. That said, I think it could be a potentially valuable resource for monastics and mystics as well, who (like many of us) often struggle to find needed support services.

I hope you will join us in this endeavor, and at whatever sort of conference I can pull together.

-In Deos Confidimus

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Blowing on embers Sat, 06 Apr 2019 21:34:56 +0000 The last entry in this blog was nearly four months ago, in December. Shortly after that, I received a quote from the hotel and was getting ready to sign it and put down a deposit. As is right and proper, I asked for divine guidance before committing- in this case Read more…

The post Blowing on embers appeared first on Hearthingstone.

The last entry in this blog was nearly four months ago, in December. Shortly after that, I received a quote from the hotel and was getting ready to sign it and put down a deposit. As is right and proper, I asked for divine guidance before committing- in this case cleromancy using coins while praying and making offerings to Hermes.

Smoldering embers

The results were confusing and troubling. In essence, I was told that the dates and location were satisfactory, but that something was giving offense to the gods interested in the conference. I put off booking the hotel and tried to understand.

It took calling in some “big guns” (experienced diviners with much better signal clarity) to seek more complete answers and help me interpret the message.

The problem wasn’t the date or the hotel, it was me. In particular, my state of mind at the time was incompatible with the reality of the situation. Because of other stressors in my life, I held unreasonable expectations of what might be possible for a first-year convention. While I certainly have the knowledge, I don’t have the resources or clout to achieve the standard of “success” I was setting for myself.

It was a standard that was about convincing myself of my competence. It was not a standard established by the gods. It was a standard others I respect had warned me to be wary of.

Yet, we live in a society where your career is your worth- not just financially, but ethically or morally. We are surrounded by a culture that happily throws away the lives of the poor based on notions of human worth derived almost entirely from career success and wealth. Even when we actively reject that meme complex, it pervades our world and others try to force it upon us.

This is one of my core struggles. All my life, I’ve been told that I’m extremely intelligent, but culturally, my lack of career and material success says otherwise. Our overculture’s poisonous assertion that failure is deservedly earned through moral weakness and incompetence infects my thinking and eats away at my self-worth and resolve. Even knowing this and intentionally rejecting this disease, it feeds on my id and sickens my ego- driving my superego to demand more and more counterevidence.

Knowing that my life was headed for additional disruptions (a job layoff, at the very least), I now believe that They wisely directed me to take a hiatus from planning and to focus on my own inner health.

Friday morning, I received what I interpret as confirmation of that. Immediately before waking fully and clearly, I dreamt of a chaotic start to a polytheist leadership conference with less than half the people I was expecting. I dreamt of random attendees stepping up and filling voids, like creating a sign-in sheet or finding chairs for others.

Most importantly, it was not a nightmare or an embarrassment dream. It simply felt appropriate… right somehow. The message was clear- “This is enough. It can be more later, but for now, this is enough.”

I’m still struggling through finding a new job and getting finances back on track. However, I am hopeful that this message indicates a turning point and that soon I will be fit to resume planning.

-In Deos Confidimus


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A Stake In The Ground Sun, 16 Dec 2018 19:28:14 +0000 I have begun the process of setting a location and date for the first Hearthingstone PLC. I am attempting to book the hotel for January 3-5, 2020. After touching base with the hotels in the expanded search area, I believe that one of them stood out as clearly the best Read more…

The post A Stake In The Ground appeared first on Hearthingstone.

I have begun the process of setting a location and date for the first Hearthingstone PLC. I am attempting to book the hotel for January 3-5, 2020.

After touching base with the hotels in the expanded search area, I believe that one of them stood out as clearly the best candidate. It won’t allow for much expansion in-place (if any), but it’s a lovely all-suites hotel that is convenient to plenty of restaurants and other amenities. The meeting room rate is very reasonable (for Austin) and decreases by as much as half if we can book enough room nights.

A firepit w/ chairs around it.

It even has fire!

I don’t yet have a formal rate quote for a sleeping room block. However, their published rates for the equivalent weekend in 2019 were under $100- extremely low for a newly-built suite hotel in Austin. This same hotel charges over $200 a night during busier times of year!

A kitchenette in one of the suites.

All the rooms have a kitchenette.

As far as the date, I was weighing a lot of different factors, both religious and practical. This weekend kept “pinging”, despite its proximity to New Year’s Day- or perhaps because of it.

As much as possible, I wanted to avoid conflicts with holy days, though that’s nigh-impossible to do perfectly. This weekend does fall right around the end of Yule in some traditions. It is also roughly around the time that the Romans sometimes celebrated Compitalia- the festival of crossroads Powers. I haven’t found others, though I could certainly be mistaken.

This weekend is close enough to the general “Holiday Season” that many of our academics will not yet have returned to the classroom. Some of us might even be lucky enough to work at places that are closed through the following Monday.

Furthermore, January in Austin is a time of year when visitors from other parts of the country aren’t likely to burst into flames when walking outside. While the locals might wear parkas, our colleagues from more northern climes might consider it lovely spring or fall weather.

In addition, my comparison of airfares showed an average of $173 in round-trip savings compared with busy weekends like those during SXSW. There is also a large park-and-ride bus terminal less than two miles away and four different bus lines pass near to the hotel.

Finally, there is the esoteric gravitas of conducting an event like this on the first weekend after the dawn of a new year. While our various faiths and traditions may use different calendars, we all live in a society the runs on the Gregorian one. Rather than just making forgettable personal resolutions, perhaps we can put the power of this liminal time to a more holy use.

To that end, I have tentatively confirmed a keynote speaker- a published author who has a long history of service to the Gods.

-In Deos Confidimus

The post A Stake In The Ground appeared first on Hearthingstone.

Looking further afield Sun, 18 Nov 2018 05:12:00 +0000 After receiving meeting room rental estimates from five different hotels around Austin, I’ve come to the difficult decision that I need to look further afield for smaller, more affordable venues. Originally, I was looking to stay as close to downtown as the hotel room rates would allow. To the right is Read more…

The post Looking further afield appeared first on Hearthingstone.

After receiving meeting room rental estimates from five different hotels around Austin, I’ve come to the difficult decision that I need to look further afield for smaller, more affordable venues.

Originally, I was looking to stay as close to downtown as the hotel room rates would allow. To the right is the original map I shared with y’all some time back.

Unfortunately, those hotels with enough space in the green zones quoted meeting rates that started at $5,000 for the weekend and went up to $15,000.

That is a non-starter. My initial budget worksheets don’t show a way to make it feasible, and I don’t have the money to make up the difference myself.

On the plus side, I’ve since discovered that one of the hotels I had earlier discounted as having no meeting rooms actually has enough meeting space for about 75 people. It’s smaller than I’d like, but it should be sufficient for the first year at least.

So now I’m looking at a map more like this:

Three of the larger, more expensive hotels I looked at are in the red “circle” at the bottom at the junction of 183, 290, and I-35.

The 75-person hotel I mentioned above is located in the first green circle north of the red spot.

Shortly north of that is another hotel with about the same amount of space.

North of that are a few hotels that are large enough, though some might be too big (and expensive).

Finally, the top circle has another hotel that could work.

Sadly, all of these are further from the airport. Then again, the 2014 PLC was about 15 miles from the nearest airport and many people came from much further afield. Heck, we drove all the way from Austin!

The furthest north of the hotels on that map is about 25 miles. The closest is 16 or 17 miles.

As far as costs, the first hotel actually posted their daily rate on a sign next to the meeting room- $400, or $200 for half the room. That’s $1,200 for the weekend- less than 1/3 the cost of the cheapest meeting rooms I found in that red circle. Sure, there’s the matter of taxes and availability, but hey- this thing is starting to sound more feasible!

My hope is that the other hotels I’m looking at all have a similar, or lower, rate. Then it becomes more a matter of date availability and how the hotel’s building, site, and staff feel.

Many thanks to the Gods and friends who have helped me push through the earlier discouragement to keep looking.

-In Deos Confidimus


The post Looking further afield appeared first on Hearthingstone.

Hotel Rates and Dates from Venue Candidate #5 Tue, 23 Oct 2018 05:05:32 +0000 I’ve received a proposal from the last of the hotels I was waiting on out of about a dozen I sent RFPs to. This one gave a blanket quote for a large number of dates, which I will list further down. As with VC #2, this location is near the Read more…

The post Hotel Rates and Dates from Venue Candidate #5 appeared first on Hearthingstone.

I’ve received a proposal from the last of the hotels I was waiting on out of about a dozen I sent RFPs to. This one gave a blanket quote for a large number of dates, which I will list further down.

As with VC #2, this location is near the airport and has an airport shuttle.

The area with a number of hotels near Austin's airport.

Their room rate is basically $120 a night, but they are only willing to block 10 rooms and that with an “attrition clause” where we’d owe them money if less than 80% of the rooms blocked are used. After those 10 are reserved, the pricing and availability would float like normal.

Their meeting room rate is slightly higher than #3, by about 5%. This puts them in the second lowest cost position- for now. I need to get back to VC #1 with a shortlist of dates to get a meeting room quote.

Here are all the dates they said were available (at present):

  • April 5 – 7, 2019
  • April 19 – 21, 2019
  • April 26 – 28, 2019
  • May 30 – June 2, 2019
  • June 14 – 16, 2019
  • July 12 – 14, 2019
  • July 26 – 28, 2019
  • August 23 – 25, 2019
  • November 1 – 3, 2019
  • November 8 – 10, 2019
  • December 20 – 22, 2019
  • December 27 – 29, 2019
  • January 3 – 5, 2020
  • January 10 – 12, 2020
  • January 17 – 19, 2020
  • January 24 – 26, 2020


-In Deos Confidimus

The post Hotel Rates and Dates from Venue Candidate #5 appeared first on Hearthingstone.

Hotel Rates and Dates from Venue Candidate #4 Sun, 14 Oct 2018 00:50:28 +0000 This is the fourth hotel I’ve gotten any pricing back from. This one only looked at one date despite my request for some other dates to consider. Their rate was just shy of $120 per night for Nov. 8-10, 2019- so about $20 more than #1, which also quoted that Read more…

The post Hotel Rates and Dates from Venue Candidate #4 appeared first on Hearthingstone.

This is the fourth hotel I’ve gotten any pricing back from. This one only looked at one date despite my request for some other dates to consider.

Their rate was just shy of $120 per night for Nov. 8-10, 2019- so about $20 more than #1, which also quoted that date. They are, however, the only one that explicitly included a hot breakfast buffet for up to four people per room.

This hotel is located next to candidate #3 and across the highway from #1.

Unlike #2 & 3, they have free parking (like #1) and they also have no airport shuttle.

Their meeting room cost for the weekend is half that of #2 and about 50% more than #3. If we decide to pin down for a different weekend, I can probably get a new quote, but I expect it will be similar.


-In Deos Confidimus


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