(n.) – Belief in the existence of multiple deities (beings of great power who possess agency independent from humans).

Ancient Greek: πολύς “many” + Θεοί (“gods”) 

Hear from other polytheist elders and leaders from many traditions and faiths who place the Gods at the heart of their practice. Join us at a single hearth, where many hearthings come together like a thing to explore greater issues, building a stone-solid foundation and tone of cooperation for the future.

Hearthingstone is inspired by the 2014 Polytheist Leadership Conference in Fishkill, NY.

While other events geared towards “pagan” faiths exist, there is a distinct, ongoing need for programming focused not on the laity but on those in positions of responsibility and service to a tradition and/or a community of the faithful.

Because of the nature of their calling and the broken history of many of our traditions, many polytheist leaders work in relative isolation. Even in the age of the Internet, face-to-face collegiality remains a powerful force.

By creating a shared space for polytheist-only interfaith dialogue and cooperation, Hearthingstone intends to build and strengthen a network of cooperation to sustain our world’s many polytheistic traditions against the depredations of monotheism and the many mundane difficulties facing faith leaders and their communities.


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AVOCADO Village Checklist

This article is an attempt to identify as complete a checklist as possible of needs, wants, and aspirational goals for establishing a sustainable intergenerational village, neighborhood, or other residential community. This article is expected to Read more…